Thursday, January 9, 2014

Liebster Award: Life's Journey

Thank you, Cityfolk Farmers for nominating Life's Journey for the Liebster Award.  Cityfolk Farmers transports you from in front of your keyboard and plants you in the middle of their life adventures on their little piece of heaven on earth. Cityfolks shares their gardening process, successes and failures and then if that is not interesting enough "we" the readers are taken into the kitchen for amazing culinary creativity using the gifts from the earth! Cityfolk Farmers is a place of heart and soul and some really cute critters too!

Get your cup of tea and relax here:

The Liebster award is intended to give some exposure to small blogs with less than 200 followers. Here are the rules:

1.     Link back to the blogger who nominated you
2.     Answer the 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you
3.     Nominate 3-11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
4.     Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination
5.     Give your nominees 11 questions to answer.

My Answers:

 1. How long have you been publishing on the web? 

I don't know exactly. I started blogging stories at least 7 years ago. I have used several blogging venues over the years.

 2. What are you most known for? 

In my perspective I have a sense that I am most known for the gourd art I create.

 3. A favorite memory. 

This is difficult. So many rush at me yelling, "pick me!" ~ hiking the Grand Canyon, no, the birth of first child, and my second child, and my third child! Actually, it was the time on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk when I got on a ride and felt like I was flying, but then there is the time when I looked into my husband's eyes for the first time and I just knew, and the memory of when I was on horseback riding through the Sierra Mountains feeling free and wild, but then the memory of seeing dolphins jumping up from the depths to lead us to land was amazing … well, I could go on and on about my favorite memory!

 4. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?

Right now, I would be in a cottage, a small uncluttered little place lit up with warmth from the heart. That cottage would be nestled in a nook close to a beach where I could feel and taste the salty air and hear gulls crying overhead. I would have a cup of hot tea in my hands, a shawl over my shoulders, and the smells of foods cooking would mingle with the ocean's scent. There is a table, well worn, from where I sit daily and journal and dream. That is where I would be, right now.

 5.  Biggest influence in your life. 

The biggest influence in my life, besides life itself, is my husband. My husband influences me to be big inside and big in my creative expressions, and big in love, and to accept all I am and all I was and all I will be. My husband, my true friend is my biggest influence. He has provided me with a safe haven, a home, and acceptance and challenges me all the time to stretch out beyond my fears and live fully. 

 6. One lasting change you would make in the world.

I would take away all Nations boundaries between peoples and make ONE WORLD where there was true equality and equal distribution of resources. No haves and no have-nots. One people. One goal and that is to live fully and creatively and support all others to do the same.

 7. Favorite food you would eat every day if you could. 

Lettuce wraps with a wide variety of stuffing ingredients

 8. Biggest achievement (so far):

December 9th I celebrated my 59th birthday and on December 18th I celebrated my 17th year of marriage to my best friend - best accomplishments ever!

 9. Number of cities you have lived. 

I have lived in 18 cities/towns in the states of  CA, CO, AL, TX, PA, WA MS, & AZ. and 1 city in Panama = 19

10. Age of your oldest friendship. 

49 years

11. Biggest dream.

To have the time I desire to work on my creative adventures everyday without interruption while sitting in my cottage by the sea :-)

My Questions:

 1. Aside from blogging, do you journal with pen and paper?

 2. In what other ways do you express your creativity?

 3. What one word best describes your personality?

 4. Do you believe in your dreams? 

 5.  How do you deal with self-perceived failure?

 6. What does success look like for you?

7. What is your favorite place for creative thinking?

 8. Who is your favorite fictional character and why?

 9. Who has inspired you the most in your life and why?

 10. What is your favorite food to serve guest in your home?

 11. If you won a big lotto, what is the first thing you would do for yourself?

Magic Mentha -
Artfully Musings -
one more T.B.A.

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